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Children's Voice

We asked our children for their views and ideas at Ashworth Nursery

Good things about Ashworth Nursery

  • I like playing with the babies, I push them in the pram.  I like playing outside nursery too.
  • I like building with the bricks, I like playing with the prams
  • I like building castles with the blocks.  I like digging in the sand
  • I like cutting, sticking and glueing
  • I like playing trucks with the boxes
  • I like to hide in boxes, it's fun in boxes
  • I like playing on an IPad, I like number games the best
  • I like reading the books
  • I like lots!
  • I like the sharks
  • I like the IPads
  • I like playing with the cars and motorcycles
  • I like playing with the drill

What we could do better

We asked the children about things we could do to make the nursery better, below is a selection of  responses:

  • I'd like to go on more trips
  • More superhero and Paw Patrol dressing-up costumes
  • I'd like more spy things
  • Glitter everywhere to make it beautiful
  • I'd like more paper
  • I'd like some slime to play in - pink and blue
  • I'd like more dinosaurs
  • Some new things in the house
  • More dollies
  • Real ice-creams - from the ice-cream van
  • More whales please!
  • Real cameras
  • Cartoons
  • I'd like more Lego
  • I'd like more motorcycles outside
  • More pens to draw with